
Median Age: 39

About the same as the figure in United States: 39


Economics – Income

Margin of error is at least 10 percent of the total value. Take care with this statistic.

$36,515 (±$957)
Per capita income
about 90 percent of the amount in United States: $41,804 (±$92)

$61,012 (±$1,609)
Median household income

about 80 percent of the amount in United States: $74,755 (±$148)

Economics – Poverty

Margin of error is at least 10 percent of the total value. Take care with this statistic.

15.9% (±1.4%)
99,400 (±8,407)
Persons below poverty line

about 25 percent higher than the rate in United States: 12.6% – 40,951,624 (±0.1% / ±260,310)

Economics – Transportation to Work

Margin of error is at least 10 percent of the total value. Take care with this statistic.

21.1 minutes (±0.7)
5,954,860 (±236,489) Mean travel time to work

about 80 percent of the figure in United States: 26.4 – 3,591,156,000 (±0 / ±7,204,853)

Families – Households

277,534 (±2,377)
Number of households

United States: 129,870,930 (±136,261)

2.3 (±0)
(625,396 ±353)
Persons per household

about 90 percent of the figure in United States: 2.5 – 325,134,660

Families – Marital Status

Margin of error is at least 10 percent of the total value. Take care with this statistic.

Families – Fertility

Margin of error is at least 10 percent of the total value. Take care with this statistic.

5.8% (±1.1%)
8,462 (±1,603)
Women 15-50 who gave birth during past year

about 10 percent higher than the rate in United States: 5.2% – 4,036,894 (±0.1% / ±36,689)

Housing – Units & Occupancy

305,392 (±187)
Number of housing units

United States: 143,772,900 (±7,466)

Housing – Value

Margin of error is at least 10 percent of the total value. Take care with this statistic.

$165,200 (±$3,281)
Median value of owner-occupied housing units

about half the amount in United States: $320,900 (±$622)

Housing – Geographical Mobility

Margin of error is at least 10 percent of the total value. Take care with this statistic.

12% (±1.1%)
76,032 (±7,082.8)
Moved since previous year

a little less than the rate in United States: 12.6% – 41,404,691 (±0.1% / ±,187,841.9)

Social – Educational Attainment

93.1% (±2.1%)
(404,055 ±8,923.3) High school grad or higher

A little higher than the rate in United States: 89.6% – 205,882,074 (±0.1% / ±,272,504.5)

30.7% (±1.2%)
(132,989 ±5,125.8) Bachelor’s degree or higher

about 90 percent of the rate in United States: 35.7% – 81,908,335 (±0.1% / ±,175,321.9)

Social – Place of Birth

Margin of error is at least 10 percent of the total value. Take care with this statistic.

3.7% (23,811 ±2,374)
Foreign-born population

about one-quarter of the rate in United States: 13.9% – 46,182,176

Social – Veteran Status

Margin of error is at least 10 percent of the total value. Take care with this statistic.

6.4% (±0.6%)
(31,834 ±2,918)
Population with veteran status

About the same as the rate in United States: 6.2% – 16,200,322 (±0% / ±70,866)

Total veterans: 31,834  (±2,918) 
Male: 29,195 (±2,752)
Female: 2,639 (±804)